Kurz gelinkt #35...
"Emanzipieren Sie sich von ergebnislos kreisenden Gedanken..." Ohne Grübeln leben (tagesspiegel.de)
1x.com - Best photos on the web
Walker Evans: Decade by Decade (fotografr.de)
Dance around the world (bigpicture.com)
25 Beautiful Examples of Silhouette Photography
15 Extraordinary Black and White Landscapes
Master the Art of Photographic Composition
"Bekenntnisse eines Berlin-Verächters" (cicero.de)
A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything (youtube)
1x.com - Best photos on the web
Walker Evans: Decade by Decade (fotografr.de)
Dance around the world (bigpicture.com)
25 Beautiful Examples of Silhouette Photography
15 Extraordinary Black and White Landscapes
Master the Art of Photographic Composition
"Bekenntnisse eines Berlin-Verächters" (cicero.de)
A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything (youtube)
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